On Monday, 25 November 2019 at 09:01:15 UTC, Dukc wrote:
On Saturday, 23 November 2019 at 09:51:13 UTC, Sebastiaan Koppe wrote:
This is my proposal for porting D runtime to WebAssembly. I would like to ask you to review it. You can find it here: https://gist.github.com/skoppe/7617ceba6afd67b2e20c6be4f922725d

This proposal is so perfectly balanced between value and implementability that I can find nothing to add or remove.


I'm interested, what's your motivation in doing all this? If I understood correctly, your primary motivation to write Spasm was to write better optimized front-end programs than you get with JS frameworks.

That is a fair question. Spasm has been very successful if you look at rendering speed. It (almost) beats everything else out there [1]. Well, that is not surprising since everything is known at compile time; it literally compiles down to the same code as if you issued low-level dom calls manually. I am very happy about that.

With regards to developer experience it is behind. First of all you have to deal with betterC. This alone is already a hurdle for many. Second is the DSL, or lack of it. It doesn't come close to something like e.g. SwiftUI. In fact, I wrote a (unfinished) material-ui component library on top of spasm and I was struggling at times.

So it became clear to me I need to have druntime available. It will allow people to use the (almost) complete set of D features and it opens up some metaprogramming avenues that are closed off right now. With that I will be able to create some nice DSL, in line with JSX/SwiftUI or <insert-your-favorite-declarative-framework>.

There are plenty of opportunities here. It is not unfeasible to connect spasm to Qt, or dlangui, and create a cross-platform UI library, something like flutter.

On the other hand, I am very excited about WebAssembly in general. It is certainly at the beginning of the hype curve and I suspect some very exciting things will appear in the future. Some of them are already here right now. For instance, you can target ARM by compiling D code to wasm and then use wasmer to compile it to ARM. With D connecting itself to the wasm world it exposes itself to a lot of cool things, which we mostly get for free.

As an example, it is just a matter of time before a PaaS provider fully embraces wasm. Instead of having docker containers you just compile to wasm, which will be pretty small and can boot in (sub) milli-seconds (plus they don't necessarily need a linux host kernel running and can run it closer to the hypervisor.)

There are tons of possibilities here, and I want D to be a viable option when that day comes.

So it is not just about frontends anymore.

But wouldn't it be easier to just use Rust since it has already implemented all this?

All the rust frameworks for web apps that I have seen rely on runtime techniques like the virtual dom. As a consequence they spend more cpu time and result in bigger files. That may be perfectly fine for most (and it probably is), but I wanted to squeeze it as much as I could. Maybe it is possible to do that in rust as well, I don't know. D's metaprogramming seemed a more natural fit.

[1] except Svelte, which is a little bit smaller in code size, and a tiny bit faster. But they build a whole compiler just for that. Lets wait for host bindings support in wasm and measure again.

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