On Tuesday, 24 March 2020 at 23:20:20 UTC, norm wrote:
On Tuesday, 24 March 2020 at 15:03:33 UTC, Steven Schveighoffer wrote:
Since October I have been using an experimental feature I created for the diet-ng package [1] that allows one to alter just the HTML portions of a diet template and have the server re-render those pages. It has saved me significant development time as I can e.g. alter a class on an html element, add javascript, just about anything that doesn't have to do with running actual D code, and I do not need to rebuild my entire application. Those of you who watched my dconf 2018 presentation may have heard me talk about the issue of vibe.d build times.



When I try to access the documentation for dietpc I get the error below.

Downloading package info...
Downloading source code for version master from https://github.com/schveiguy/dietpc/archive/master.zip...


From the dub package page it links to https://dietpc.dpldocs.info


and this time I got a bit more info come up in the browser although I don't know if it helps much;

The project build failed. copy/paste this link to adam so he can fix the bug. core.exception.AssertError@/home/me/arsd/http2.d(1154): X-Geo-Block-List:
??:? _d_assert_msg [0x5c6f9a]
/home/me/arsd/http2.d:1154 void arsd.http2.HttpRequest.handleIncomingData(scope const(ubyte[])).parseLastHeader() [0x5abd5b] /home/me/arsd/http2.d:1229 bool arsd.http2.HttpRequest.handleIncomingData(scope const(ubyte[])) [0x5aaa1d] /home/me/arsd/http2.d:1027 int arsd.http2.HttpRequest.advanceConnections().__foreachbody3(ref std.socket.Socket, ref arsd.http2.HttpRequest) [0x5aa259]
??:? _aaApply2 [0x5ccad0]
/home/me/arsd/http2.d:1010 int arsd.http2.HttpRequest.advanceConnections() [0x5a9f14] /home/me/arsd/http2.d:809 arsd.http2.HttpResponse arsd.http2.HttpRequest.waitForCompletion() [0x5a90ca]
dl.d:358 void dl.app(arsd.cgi.Cgi) [0x528e3d]
/home/me/arsd/cgi.d:3815 void arsd.cgi.doThreadScgiConnection!(arsd.cgi.Cgi, dl.app(arsd.cgi.Cgi), 5000000L).doThreadScgiConnection(std.socket.Socket) [0x546edf] /home/me/arsd/cgi.d:4361 void arsd.cgi.ConnectionThread.run() [0x53b344]
??:? void core.thread.Thread.run() [0x5c893d]
??:? thread_entryPoint [0x6158db]
??:? [0x7fbaea3706da]

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