On Thursday, 14 May 2020 at 16:57:20 UTC, Iain Buclaw wrote:
As of last week (7th May), GCC 10.1 has now been released.

For the D language front-end, only a small number of incremental, but substantial changes have gone in. Most notable of the lot has been the addition of `static foreach`, which makes the front-end (the C++ port of DMD) feature complete with DMD version 2.076.1. There is also now a configurable separation between building Druntime and Phobos, which has allowed many targets to have gained library support for building a D runtime library by disabling the build of Phobos.


Great work! Great plans! I wish you good luck with your goals, and hope you can attract people to help you. Did you ever consider to mentor a student for Google-summer-of-code?

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