On Saturday, 23 May 2020 at 22:38:58 UTC, ag0aep6g wrote:
On 24.05.20 00:17, Arafel wrote:
On 24/5/20 0:02, ag0aep6g wrote:

... and @system static constructors and `--boundscheck=off` and initializers of globals

Other than `--boundscheck=off`, that is presumably actively chosen by the user (as is @trust), would the others be allowed without `@trusted` in otherwise 100% @safe code?

Yup. Today they can be unmarked, defaulting to @system. With DIP 1028, they can be explicitly marked @system. Either way, they don't show up when you only look for "@trusted".

I would find concerning that any @system code is allowed, but I guess initializers of globals should be ok as long as they are @safe themselves?

As long as they're @safe, sure. But they can also be @system.

An example:
const int x = 42;
const int y = 43;

void main() @safe
    import std.stdio;
    writeln(x, " ", y); /* Prints "42 43" as expected. */
    auto px = &x;
    auto py = &y;
    writeln(*px, " ", *py); /* Prints "13 14". Wat? */

int* p = cast(int*) &x;
static this() @system { *p = 13; *++p = 14; }

That works even if you make the static this() @safe, and remove the pointer incrementation.

You'd have to make the p initialization @safe.

        int* p = cast(int*) &x; // error

But note this doesn't work:

    @safe int* p = cast(int*) &x; // compiles

Having the default become @safe will help detect this, as I don't imagine that is a whole lot of usage of @safe: to begin with.

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