On Wednesday, 27 May 2020 at 10:51:54 UTC, Walter Bright wrote:
On 5/27/2020 3:01 AM, Timon Gehr wrote:
I've addressed exactly this a dozen times or more, to you and others. Repeating myself has become pointless.

It's fine to disagree with me. Argue that point. But don't say I didn't address it.

I'm trying to understand the logic of "@safe by default for extern declaration".

So I setup a simplified real-life example that I had in my mind...

Let's say we have a project consisting of:
- an ASM file containing several function definitions (assembly language scares people away, so it's a good example). - a .di file containing the extern(C) declarations of the former ASM functions.
- and a .d file using those functions with @safe code.

No function is annotated.

Before DIP-1028, it compiles and link without annotations.

If extern(C) decl are @system by default, it will not compile anymore, and a careless programmer will slap a "@trusted:" at the top of the ".di" file (greenwashing), and it'll stay there.

On the other hand, a careful programmer will need to annotate @trusted ONLY on functions that he actually trusts AND make the project compile anyway (because he cannot afford to leave his project broken). So what does he do to make it compile ? Should he slap a "@trusted:" at the beginning of the file just like the careless programmer and maybe explicitly annotate individually declarations that are actually trusted ? It's weird...

However, if extern(C) decl are @safe by default, he does not need to slap a "@trusted" at the top of the ".di" file, he just needs to annotate individual declarations with @trusted to advertise (to the QA, or his colleague or future self) that he reviewed successfully the function implementation, AND it will still compile.

So that example would go in favor of Walter's point. So is it a good example? Does pinpoint the point?

Because again, as the others said, it's still controversial, it's hard to sell, it's convoluted... I dunno...

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