On Thursday, 2 July 2020 at 10:21:19 UTC, Joseph Rushton Wakeling wrote:
On Sunday, 28 June 2020 at 21:00:09 UTC, Dibyendu Majumdar wrote:
To be honest the analysis doesn't quite stack up. Because compatibility is not the reason for the success of Go, or Rust.

I think that's a misinterpretation of what was said. Compatibility is not a reason for success -- but the _absence_ of sufficient compatibility will always lead to failure.

So why was Java successful? It was not compatible with an existing language.
Neither Rust nor Go are compatible with C++.
Rust, D and Go are all compatible with C in some sense.

Basically Herb is claiming to succeed a language must be able to be a drop in replacement for C++ in a mix-match way. I think it is a fallacy.

There is no single recipe that will make a language successful.

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