On Thursday, 17 September 2020 at 20:13:23 UTC, Cym13 wrote:
On Thursday, 17 September 2020 at 13:45:16 UTC, Mike Parker wrote:
What Mike thinks appears nowhere in my post :-)

That's a bit sad. I understand that in your position it may be hard to express a personnal opinion but I think anyone should get the opportunity to do so. Would you like, in no official capacity whatsoever, to provide your personnal take on the matter?

I think you took that comment the wrong way :-) The announcement provides the rationale behind the decision Walter and Atila made. I just wanted to make it clear for anyone reading Jean-Louis's comment that I wasn't posting my opinion. For the record, I have no opinion on this DIP one way or another. Named arguments don't interest me at all.

I think you should get to express your feelings as well :) But of course I would understand if you don't want to get involved in any particular issue.

Given that I work closely with DIP authors to revise their DIPs, and that sometimes that involves more than just proofreading, I don't think it's appropriate for me to publicly take a position on any of them. I don't want any author to feel I have an ulterior motive in any content revision suggestions I make, and I don't want to color my own judgement.

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