On Monday, 28 September 2020 at 09:44:14 UTC, Daniel Kozak wrote:
I do not see TCP_NODELAY anywhere in your code for raw tests, so maybe you should try that

I've added new results with these changes:

* added NGINX test
* edge and level triggered variants for epoll tests (level should be faster in this particular test)
* new hybrid server variant of ARSD (thanks Adam)
* added TCP_NODELAY to listen socket in some tests (client sockets should derive this)
* make response sizes even for all tests
* errors and response size columns are printed out only when there's some difference as they are pretty meaningless otherwise * switch to wrk load generator as a default (hey is still supported) - as it is less resource demanding and gives better control over client connections and it's worker threads

Some tests insights:

* arsd - I'm more inclined to switch it to multiCore category, at least the hybrid variant now (as it's not too fair against the others that should run just one worker with one thread event loop) - see https://github.com/tchaloupka/httpbench/pull/5 for discussion * ideal would be to add current variant to multiCore tests and limited variant to singleCore * photon - I've assumed that it's working in a single thread, but it doesn't seems to (see https://github.com/tchaloupka/httpbench/issues/7)

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