On Tuesday, 5 January 2021 at 03:20:16 UTC, Walter Bright wrote:
On 1/4/2021 4:11 AM, 9il wrote:
The reason those switches are provided is because the write/read is a performance hog.

D provides a couple functions in druntime which guarantee rounding intermediate values to float/double precision. Those can be used as required. This is better than a compiler switch because having compiler switches that influence floating point results is poor design.

> Since C99 the default x87 behavior is precise.

Not entirely:

 float f(float a, float b) {
    float d = (a + b) - b;
    return d;

        sub     esp, 4
        fld     DWORD PTR [esp+12]
        fld     st(0)
        fadd    DWORD PTR [esp+8]
        [no write/read to memory here, so no round to float]
        fsubrp  st(1), st
        fstp    DWORD PTR [esp]
        fld     DWORD PTR [esp]
        add     esp, 4

In any case, let's try your example https://cpp.godbolt.org/z/7sa8dP with dmd for 32 bits:

                push    EAX
                push    EAX
                fld     float ptr 010h[ESP]
                fadd    float ptr 0Ch[ESP]
                fstp    float ptr [ESP]     // there's the write
                fld     float ptr [ESP]     // there's the read!
                fsub    float ptr 0Ch[ESP]
                fstp    float ptr 4[ESP]    // the write
                fld     float ptr 4[ESP]    // the read
                add     ESP,8
                ret     8

It's semantically equivalent to the godbolt asm you posted.

I can't reproduce the same DMD output as you.

DMD with flags -m32 -O generates

        assume  CS:.text._D7example1fFffZf
                push    EBP
                mov     EBP,ESP
                fld     float ptr 0Ch[ESP]
                fadd    float ptr 8[EBP]
                fsub    float ptr 8[EBP]
                pop     EBP
                ret     8
                add     [EAX],AL
                add     [EAX],AL

As you can see there are no write-read op codes.

DMD with flag -m32 generates

        assume  CS:.text._D7example1fFffZf
                push    EBP
                mov     EBP,ESP
                sub     ESP,018h
                movss   XMM0,0Ch[EBP]
                movss   XMM1,8[EBP]
                addss   XMM0,XMM1
                movss   -8[EBP],XMM0
                subss   XMM0,XMM1
                movss   -4[EBP],XMM0
                movss   -018h[EBP],XMM0
                fld     float ptr -018h[EBP]
                ret     8
                add     [EAX],AL

It just uses SSE, which I think a good way to go, haha. Probably if no one has raised this bug then all real-world DMD targets have at least SSE support.

The only D compiler that uses excess precision is DMD and only if -O flag is passed. The same example compiled with GDC uses write-read codes. LDC uses SSE codes.

As for C, it allows an intuitive built-in way to work with exact precision when an assignment works like a directive to use exact precision for the expression result, unlike D. It doesn't cover all cases but an intuitive and very easy way to do things the right way.

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