On Tuesday, 9 March 2021 at 15:21:26 UTC, Mergul wrote:
On Tuesday, 9 March 2021 at 14:29:37 UTC, Meta wrote:
Awesome! In the demo, I noticed that if there are >3000 entities spawned, there will be periodic dips in the FPS. Could this be Javascript's GC kicking in?

What browser are you using? I've tested couple of browsers. In general JavaScript shouldn't be a problem, from what I know WASM only growth its memory. Library itself almost never call malloc (so memory is always allocated). On firefox I had problem with FPS most of a time and I'm not sure what cause this problem (I found several bug reports which could be related to that). Besides Firefox every web browser I tested was based on chromium engine. I didn't see any periodic dips, even with <200k entities. Maybe there is some problem related to WebGL or JS Workers. When JS side detects that WASM threads are enabled in browser it loads multithreaded version of WASM code and spawn workers. But overall multithreaded execution is always more stable for me.

This is in Chrome 88.0.4324.192 on my 2015 Macbook Pro.

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