On Friday, 27 August 2021 at 22:45:15 UTC, WebFreak001 wrote:
I'm just worried about how the memory usage will grow with this, considering dmd never frees. Maybe I should make it run as external tool instead of a library so the OS cleans up, but for that get a performance penalty especially on Windows.

`dmdtags` does not run in the background, so any memory it uses will be freed at process exit, as soon as it has finished writing the tags file. And because it does not do any semantic analysis, only parsing, it does not use much memory while running in the first place.

According to `/usr/bin/time`, on my personal machine, using `dmdtags` to generate a tags file for all of Phobos takes slightly less than 1 second and has a peak resident set size of around 100MB.

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