On 10/1/21 8:32 AM, Mike Parker wrote:
Walter would like to establish a new slogan, or tagline, for D. He asked us all to think about this for a future meeting. (Ali has since solicited some good advice from a relative who is a professional marketer that has gotten us on the right track.)

1. "Move fast"

Pros: More succinct than "Write fast code, fast" or whatever the old slogan was. Still captures the essence of both speed of execution and ease of writing. Potential tie-in to D-Rocket logo.

Cons: Potential association with silicon valley phrase "move fast and break things".

2. "Future code"

Pros: Association with the idea that we are often at the leading edge of new features which are later incorporated into other languages. May also carry the implication that D is great language for the reader to learn in the future. Potential tie-in to space and mars theme.

Cons: Could be open to criticism that garbage collected language is not "the future," but this would likely be a tiny number of detractors.

As always, if anyone has anything they'd like me to put on the meeting agenda, please let me know beforehand. I don't know for sure if we'll be able to fit anything onto this month's meeting, though. These meetings can run long if the industry reps have anything big to discuss, and we're going to have a major item on the foundation's agenda that I expect will consume most of post-industry portion of the meeting (`-preview=in`). But if you have something, I'll see what I can do.

Thanks for doing these writeups as community liaison.

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