
decided I'd post about my primarily D-influenced programming language here.

It's data oriented, compact and despite D's influence, has a very different personality with no emphasis on metaprogramming – albeit having simple polymorphism and even compile time execution. Stability is something I care about deeply so you can expect few to no deprecations over time after some initial instability perhaps.

Feature set is not large and I'm not willing to add a whole lot of "cool" convenience features besides what there already is, and there is no support for either OO or functional style programming. However, I'm rather open to adding features that unlock great performance benefits, such as intrinsics support.

The module system is similar to Rust and works nicely with conditional compilation in that you can exclude entire modules and directories and, unlike in Rust, use conditional symbols that are automatically visible to all submodules.

The compiler frontend is about 34k lines of code, self hosting and very fast. LLVM is the backend, but with the MIR used in the compiler, it's fairly straight forward to bolt on other backends.

Compiler source code:


I don't know how to make websites... and I want a much lighter background actually.

Take a look!  :)

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