On Saturday, 6 November 2021 at 15:46:57 UTC, JN wrote:
On Friday, 5 November 2021 at 13:19:24 UTC, zjh wrote:
D can aim at `experts`, especially `meta programming users`.
On this point,`rust` can't compete.
`Silky general meta programming`.
Use my `strengths` to attack theirs weaknesses.

This is much less of a strength than you think. For 90% of cases, lack of metaprogramming is resolved by putting a Python script in build step that autogenerates the necessary code.

Python has no idea about D syntax or semantics (or any other language not called Python), and therefore can't even do something as simple as "what are all the D structs in module x". You'd have to invent a templating language on top of the code you're already writing, then write some Python code to parse and generate on top of *that*.

To me, that's like saying that C/Fortran aren't that big of a deal compared to assembly. Who needs for loops, amirite?

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