
The latest version of the D language has [now landed](https://gcc.gnu.org/git/?p=gcc.git;a=commit;h=5fee5ec362f7a243f459e6378fd49dfc89dc9fb5) in GCC.

As the D front-end for GDC is now itself written in D, in order to build GDC, you will need a working GDC compiler (GCC version 9.1 or later).

Of the tested ports that work for bootstrapping the new front-end, x86_64-linux-gnu is the most battle tested. Others that have been checked and verified to work include:
- mips-linux-gnu
- powerpc64le-linux-gnu
- sparcv9-sun-solaris
- x86_64-portbld-freebsd12
- amd64-openbsd6.9
- x86_64-netbsd
- x86_64-apple-darwin20.

**Why specifically v2.098.0-beta.1?** No real reason, other than it was just the last time that I had synchronized my [development branch](https://github.com/D-Programming-GDC/gcc/tree/ibuclaw/gdc) with upstream dmd.

You can expect this to be bumped again to the latest commit made to [dmd master](https://github.com/dlang/dmd/commits/master) in the coming week, and for GDC to closely follow DMD development until around end of March when we'll switch over to whatever will be the upcoming DMD version just before the GCC-12 release freeze.

$ git show --oneline --stat
5fee5ec362f d: Import dmd b8384668f, druntime e6caaab9, phobos 5ab9ad256 (v2.098.0-beta.1)
 2803 files changed, 338878 insertions(+), 193928 deletions(-)

**What's left in the pipeline?** For the next six months until May, its just the usual, too many things to do, too little time to do them. I haven't forgotten about other improvements that I started looking into at the beginning of this development cycle: - Hosting release binaries on the gdc project site (or github, or both)
- Updating the compilers on the explorer site to version 11
- Add more targets to the gdc build infrastructure.

If you think you could contribute in any way, please don't hesitate to jump on the [#gdc](https://dlang.slack.com/archives/C6LTP6MV1) channel on the Dlang Slack or [#d.gdc](irc://irc.libera.chat/d.gdc) on Libera.Chat IRC and ask about it.

See you around at the next release or update.


##### If you are interested in helping support ongoing development or infrastructure costs for CI and platform testing, you can do so by making a donation to the [D Language Foundation](https://dlang.org/foundation/donate.html), approximations of costs into USD are up on my [Github Sponsor page](https://github.com/sponsors/ibuclaw/).

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