
Visual D 1.2.0 has just been released. Visual D is a Visual Studio package providing project management, language services and debugger integration for the D language. You download it from


Major new features:

 * added support for Visual Studio 2022

 * semantic engine updated to frontend of dmd 2.098.1

 * added option to restart the semantic analysis if memory
   usage goes above a given threshold

See the list of further changes at https://rainers.github.io/visuald/visuald/VersionHistory.html

Known issues:

 * the signing certificate of the D Language Foundation has
   recently expired, so the installer cannot be signed digitally ATM
   (the same as the dmd installer).

 * Visual Studio 2022 is the first VS version running as a 64-bit
   process which means all extensions had to be ported to 64-bit
   aswell. Please consider support for it experimental and report
   issues to bugzilla.


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