On Sunday, 23 January 2022 at 04:12:30 UTC, H. S. Teoh wrote:
On Sun, Jan 23, 2022 at 03:24:04AM +0000, Paul Backus via Digitalmars-d-announce wrote: [...]
The way I envision it, `std` would be the "rolling release" namespace that allows breaking changes, and if you wanted stability, you'd have to explicitly depend on `std.vN`. What we currently call `std` would be renamed to `std.v1`.

+1, this idea would work.

I'm not so sure. Isn't the whole point of the versioning thing so you can use old things that haven't kept up with the latest?

When it was written, sure, they used import std because that's easy and of course they want the latest stuff.

Then a year later, the latest has moved on and now it is broken.

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