On Sunday, 20 February 2022 at 03:44:42 UTC, Paul Backus wrote:
On Saturday, 19 February 2022 at 20:26:45 UTC, Elronnd wrote:
On Saturday, 19 February 2022 at 17:33:07 UTC, matheus wrote:
By the way English isn't my first language but I think there is a small typo:

"In D, such nuances are fewer, for header files are not required."

I think it's missing the word "example":

"In D, such nuances are fewer, for example header files are not required."

I think it is fine as is.

Yes, this is a perfectly correct use of "for" as a coordinating conjunction. [1] It may come across as a bit formal or old-fashioned, though—in normal speech, you'd usually use "since".

[1] https://writing.wisc.edu/handbook/grammarpunct/coordconj/

I read that the "for" as an equivalent of "because" was indeed almost extinct but was more or less resurrected by Tolkien as he used it throughout Lord of the Rings and the Hobbit.https://english.stackexchange.com/questions/566024/the-meaning-of-word-for-at-the-beginning-of-sentence

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