On Monday, 28 February 2022 at 08:52:37 UTC, meta wrote:
On Sunday, 27 February 2022 at 11:53:18 UTC, Mike Parker wrote:
### Vladimir
Vladimir opened with a progress report. Back in December, [we discussed migrating our Bugzilla issues to Github](https://forum.dlang.org/post/wnnwxyjtizvhyswwq...@forum.dlang.org). An alternative solution is to [upgrade to Bugzilla Harmony](https://github.com/bugzilla/harmony), a project Vladimir had been contributing to for some time. After that meeting, we agreed that Robert Schadek would move forward with implementing his migration script, while Vladimir would get the new Bugzilla instance set up so we can test it out in the interim.

I was looking forward the Github migration.. I'm not liking the constant switch from Github/bugzilla, referencing/looking for issues is also a major pain..

LLVM recently migrated fully to Github/Github Issues, that's is the way to go in my opinion..

Can't beat the nice integration and ease of access Github provides, we need stay fresh to attract new younger souls

I sort of agree with that. I usually don't bother reporting anything because I don't like bugzilla, it would just be much more convenient to use Github.

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