On Wednesday, 21 September 2022 at 10:39:27 UTC, Mike Parker wrote:
DIP 1043, "Shortened Method Syntax", has been accepted.


The fact that the feature was already implemented behind a preview switch carried weight with Atila. He noted that, if not for that, he wasn't sure where he would stand on adding the feature, but he could see no reason to reject it now.

If there is no reason to reject an already-implemented feature, there's no reason to to reject it as non-implemented either.

If it feels like it's too much work to implement an otherwise good DIP, it should be accepted on the condition that someone does it, not rejected IMO.

Even if the maintainers don't have time to implement something themselves, it still lowers the bar a lot for someone else to do it when there is a promise to accept any sound implementation.

Walter accepted with a suggested (not a required) enhancement:

It could be even shorter. For functions with no arguments, the () could be
omitted, because the => token will still make it unambiguous.

As DIP author, Max decided against this. He said it's not a bad idea, but it's then "inconsistent with other the other syntaxes". If there is a demand for this, it would be easy to add later, but he felt it's better to keep things simple for now by going with the current implementation as is.

Good reasoning from Max.

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