On Tuesday, 2 May 2023 at 00:34:45 UTC, Iain Buclaw wrote:
This release comes with 11 major changes, including:

- In the standard library, `std.typecons.Rebindable` now supports all types

Tiny note of warning: `Rebindable` supports all types that it did not previously support, including structs. However, the previous `Rebindable` had a special logic where if you passed it an _array_, it would simply alias itself to `Unqual!ElementType[]`. So you cannot rely that if you write `Rebindable!T foo;`, that you can then do `foo.get`.

I'm trying to fix that, but it's a bit controversial. My main argument is that ~nobody used to use it anyway, so we may as well fix it now as it's actually becoming useful.

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