On Thursday, 7 September 2023 at 17:34:48 UTC, Atila Neves wrote:

For those who don't know, reggae is a meta-build system for and in D. It's like CMake, if you replace their terrible language with D*. Like CMake, it can output make and ninja files. Unlike CMake, it can also output tup files and has its own binary generator in case the dependency on one of those programs is undesired. Also unlike CMake, it supports dub projects out-of-the-box by using dub as a library.


I spent a some time getting a part of my project to build with Reggae & so far I am impressed, The partial compiles are really good, I am looking forward to switching!

My largest complaint is that Reggae needs improvements to it's documentation, there was enough of it for me to get started and I can figure it out, but I do not feel that anyone can just jump right into using it. But this is not a unique problem especially with build systems, so this is a nitpick.

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