On Tuesday, 20 February 2024 at 03:27:31 UTC, Mike Parker wrote:
It's time to start thinking more seriously about that DConf talk you've been thinking about submitting: DConf '24 is tentatively scheduled for September 17 - 20. Symmetry Investments is again our host and primary sponsor. We'll be back for a third time at CodeNode, and we're working again with Brightspace Events to put it all together.

If you'd like to submit a talk but aren't sure you've got anything to talk about, just take a look at our past [DConf and DConf Online editions](https://dconf.org) for inspiration. If you're using D for anything right now, then you've almost certainly got content for a DConf talk.

Hm. For the first time in many years, I don't think I have a topic! :)

I'm gonna see if I can put together enough content for a talk about effective dustmiting. Might have to be a lightning talk though. 30 minutes is gonna be a challenge to hit with that.

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