Glad to announce D 2.109.0, ♥ to the 44 contributors.

This release comes with 15 major changes and 26 fixed Bugzilla issues, including:

- In the language, a new function `__ctfeWrite` has been added to allow writing messages from CTFE to console. - `__traits(isBitfeld)`, and the properties `.bitoffsetof` and `.bitwidth` have been added to give new introspection capabilities to bit-fields. - In the compiler, after two years of making PE-COFF support the default on Windows, OMF support has now been removed. This includes the switch `-m32omf`.

As usual please report any bugs at

on behalf of the Dlang Core Team
  • Release D 2.109.0 Iain Buclaw via Digitalmars-d-announce

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