------- Comment #2 from  2009-03-29 00:48 -------
Food for thought, I don't use windows much so my memory is foggy and quite
possibly out of date, but consider the old-school device names 'com1:'.  How,
if at all, do those interact with this code?

Also, your change is essentially a much more round about way of writing the
same code as was there before, no?

            case '\\':
            case ':':
                return e + 1;

            case ':':
                if (e == str + 1)
                    return e + 1;
                // Intentional fall-through.
            case '\\':
                return e + 1;

Rearranged to duplicate the fallthrough block to better illustrate things:
  case ':':
    if (e == str + 1)
      return e + 1;
    return e + 1;
  case '\\':
    return e + 1;

So, case ':':
      return e + 1;
    case '\\':
      return e + 1;

And we're right back to the original code.

So, uh.. submit the wrong patch?  Did I misread something important and subtle
in the patch?


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