--- Comment #6 from ---
Reduced example:

--- issue22579.d

// Use auto instead of int[] to force semantic on the function body
auto foo(int i)
    return [i];

int[] bar()(int i)
    return [i];   

--- main.d
import issue22579;

extern(C) int main()
        // foo is emitted for issue22579 and hence only causes errors when
        // the it is a root module (-i or passed on the command line)

        // bar is instantiated in / emitted to main and hence always
        // triggers errors in the glue layer
//      bar(2);
        return 0;

dmd -betterC -c main.d

dmd -betterC -c main.d issue22579.d
issue22579.d(4): Error: `TypeInfo` cannot be used with -betterC


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