--- Comment #1 from Kenji Hara <> 2011-10-06 13:52:30 PDT ---
Remove dependency to std.traits.

private template staticLength(tuple...)
    enum size_t staticLength = tuple.length;
template ReturnType(func...)
    if (staticLength!(func) == 1)    // (a)
    static if (is(typeof(func) R == return))
        alias R ReturnType;
        static assert(0, "argument has no return type");

struct PointImpl(T)
    @property auto test()
        return PointImpl!int();

struct Wrapper(T)
    T payload;

    auto test()
        //pragma(msg, ReturnType!(T.test));
        //static if (is(ReturnType!(T.test))) { }
        static if (is(ReturnType!(T.test) == void)) { }
        return payload.test;

Wrapper!(PointImpl!int) point;

void main()
    auto x = point.test;

A gagged forward reference error at (a) causes this problem.

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