Summary: Review Phobos algorithms and make them transient-safe
                    where possible
           Product: D
           Version: D2
          Platform: All
        OS/Version: All
            Status: NEW
          Severity: normal
          Priority: P2
         Component: Phobos

--- Comment #0 from 2013-01-01 12:09:55 PST ---
This bug is to have a central place to keep the list of Phobos algorithms found
to be transient-incompatible but could potentially be made
transient-compatible, so that the list doesn't get lost in the dust of forum

- std.algorithm.reduce (when no seed is given)
- std.algorithm.joiner (both variants have been fixed in git HEAD)
- std.algorithm.minCount
- std.algorithm.minPos (takes forward range; should use .save)
- std.algorithm.Levenshtein (takes forward range; should use .save)
- std.algorithm.makeIndex (takes forward range; should use .save)
- std.algorithm.splitter (takes slices without checking for isSlicable)
- std.algorithm.topNCopy
- std.algorithm.NWayUnion
- std.array.array (probably not fixable)
- std.array.insertInPlace (probably not fixable)
- std.array.join (copies input range; may not be fixable)
- std.stdio.writeln & friends (need more testing, there are some deep bits that
fail with transient ranges)

While the whole transience issue hasn't been decided yet, Andrei has agreed
that those algorithms that *can* be made transience-compatible, should be. The
fate of the rest will be determined when this issue has been decided on.

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