Summary: std.regex.ctRegex chokes on (?:a+)
           Product: D
           Version: unspecified
          Platform: All
        OS/Version: All
            Status: NEW
          Severity: normal
          Priority: P2
         Component: Phobos

--- Comment #0 from Nils <> 2013-03-02 10:50:40 PST 
Maybe a duplicate of issue 7440. But this one gives a different error message.

cat > test.d <<code
import std.regex;
auto re = ctRegex!"(?:a+)";
dmd -c -o- test.d
/home/nils/d/dmd/dmd2/linux/bin32/../../src/phobos/std/regex.d(2739): Error:
['c', 'a', 's', 't', '(', 'I', 'R', ')', '0'][0u..9u]
called from here: (Kickstart!(char) __ctmp1227 = 0;
 , __ctmp1227).this(this, new uint[](256u))
called from here: this.lightPostprocess()
called from here: (Regex!(char) __ctmp1948 = 0;
 , __ctmp1948).this(this)
called from here: parser.program()
called from here: regexImpl(pattern, flags)
called from here: regex("(?:a+)", [])
/home/nils/d/dmd/dmd2/linux/bin32/../../src/phobos/std/regex.d(2739): Error:
['c', 'a', 's', 't', '(', 'I', 'R', ')', '0'][0u..9u]
called from here: (Kickstart!(char) __ctmp1227 = 0;
 , __ctmp1227).this(this, new uint[](256u))
called from here: this.lightPostprocess()
called from here: (Regex!(char) __ctmp1948 = 0;
 , __ctmp1948).this(this)
called from here: parser.program()
called from here: regexImpl(pattern, flags)
called from here: regex("(?:a+)", [])
called from here: ctGenRegExCode(regex("(?:a+)", []))
/home/nils/d/dmd/dmd2/linux/bin32/../../src/phobos/std/regex.d(2739): Error:
['c', 'a', 's', 't', '(', 'I', 'R', ')', '0'][0u..9u]
called from here: (Kickstart!(char) __ctmp1227 = 0;
 , __ctmp1227).this(this, new uint[](256u))
called from here: this.lightPostprocess()
called from here: (Regex!(char) __ctmp1948 = 0;
 , __ctmp1948).this(this)
called from here: parser.program()
called from here: regexImpl(pattern, flags)
called from here: regex("(?:a+)", [])
called from here: StaticRegex(null, Regex(null, null, null, 0u, 0u, 0u, 0u, 0u,
null, null, ShiftOr(null, 0u, 0u))).this(regex("(?:a+)", []), & func)
/home/nils/d/dmd/dmd2/linux/bin32/../../src/phobos/std/regex.d(6523): Error:
template instance std.regex.ctRegexImpl!("(?:a+)", []) error instantiating
test.d(2):        instantiated from here: ctRegex!("(?:a+)")
test.d(2): Error: template instance std.regex.ctRegex!("(?:a+)") error

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