--- Comment #20 from Jonathan M Davis <> ---
Who does the work is irrelevant. It's the fact that it will break code for
marginal benefit. I'm done discussing this. I've made my views clear.
Regardless of what I think on the matter, it's Walter and Andrei that you have
to convince, and I would be shocked if you could. Increasingly, they're of the
opinion that breaking changes aren't worth it at this point in the game. So,
any breaking change that we make must bring a large benefit. The result of that
is that things like renaming functions - or function attributes - are no longer
considered to be worth the cost. Walter in particular considers it to be just
shuffling things around and highly detrimental to the language.

If you want the attribute situation changed, then find a way to convince Andrei
and Walter. Without that, it'll never happen.


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