--- Comment #7 from ---
(In reply to Ryuichi OHORI from comment #6)
> I agree with you on closing this as invalid. The main problem was that I
> missed opIndexOpAssign and tried to use opIndex/opSlice (of a struct S) +
> opOpAssign (of the returning Voldemort type of S.opIndex).
> While I went wrong, the error message "cannot be sliced with []" is not so
> helpful as to help me figuring out the problem.

If I understand correctly, you're describing something like this:

struct V
    void opOpAssign(string op)(int x) {}
struct S
    V opIndex() {return V();}
void main()
    S s;
    s[] += 2; /* Error: S cannot be sliced with [] */

That error message really doesn't help. And it actually works when you use a
temporary variable to hold the result of s[]:

S s;
auto v = s[];
v += 2; /* no error */

So I'd say that's a rejects-valid bug. I filed issue 14941 for that.

> One of the reasons I missed opIndexOpAssign was that it is categorized under
> Op Assignment Operator Overloading. I'd like to place it under Array
> Indexing and Slicing Operators Overloading.

I don't know where it fits best. Maybe just make a pull request and see how it


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