Issue ID: 15805
           Summary: Automatic fix two erroneous integer comparison cases
                    by widening
           Product: D
           Version: D2
          Hardware: All
                OS: All
            Status: NEW
          Severity: enhancement
          Priority: P1
         Component: dmd

The front end could automatically fix two cases where comparing two integers
gives in wrong results.

The trick is to widen the unsigned argument in a signed value, for example

int a = -1;
uint b;

if (a > b) {}

"b" can be widened in a long, which fixes the comaprison results.
POC in a simple template:

import std.traits;

bool safeIntegralCmp(string op, L, R)(auto ref L lhs, auto ref R rhs)
if (isIntegral!R && isIntegral!L)
    // safe
    static if (is(Unqual!L == Unqual!R))
        mixin("return lhs" ~ op ~ "rhs;");
        // promote unsigned to bigger signed
        static if (isSigned!L && !isSigned!R  && R.sizeof < 8)
            long widenedRhs = rhs;
            mixin("return lhs" ~ op ~ "widenedRhs;");
        else static if (isSigned!R && !isSigned!L  && L.sizeof < 8)
            long widenedLhs = lhs;
            mixin("return widened" ~ op ~ "rhs;");
        // not fixable by operand widening
            pragma(msg, "warning, comparing a" ~ L.stringof ~ " with a" ~
                ~ " may result into wrong results");
            mixin("return lhs" ~ op ~ "rhs;");

    int a = -1; uint b;
    assert(a > b); // wrong result
    assert(safeIntegralCmp!">"(a,b) == false); // fixed by promotion

    long aa = -1; ulong bb;
    assert(aa > bb); // wrong result
    assert(safeIntegralCmp!">"(aa,bb) == true); // not staticaly fixable,
The widening that happends in the CT branches

* static if (isSigned!L && !isSigned!R  && R.sizeof < 8)
* static if (isSigned!R && !isSigned!L  && L.sizeof < 8) 

could be done in the compiler.


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