--- Comment #6 from Eyal Lotem <> ---
(In reply to ag0aep6g from comment #5)
> (In reply to Eyal Lotem from comment #4)
> > immutable void delegate() pure
> > 
> > vs.
> > 
> > immutable void delegate() immutable pure
> When the delegate is part of an immutable struct instance, it has the former
> type, too:
> ----
> struct S { void delegate() pure f; }
> immutable s = S();
> pragma(msg, typeof(s.f)); /* immutable(void delegate() pure) */
> ----
> I suppose your point is that it should be the latter type, with two
> "immutable"s.
> Fair enough, but I don't think that distinction is worth having. D doesn't
> have head const with pointers. Why should we make delegates a special case?
> So in my opinion, `immutable void delegate()` should imply an immutable
> context pointer, making it the same type as `immutable void delegate()
> immutable`. Just like `immutable(int*)` is the same as
> `immutable(immutable(int)*)`.
> The compiler agrees (to some extent):
> ----
> alias A = immutable int* delegate();
> alias B = immutable int* delegate() immutable;
> static assert(is(A == B)); /* passes */
> ----
> But then there's this:
> ----
> void main()
> {
>     int x = 1;
>     const void delegate() dg1 = { ++x; };
>     const void delegate() const dg2 = { ++x; };
> }
> ----
> That compiles, but when you take the dg1 line away, then the dg2 line isn't
> accepted anymore. And when you swap them around, both lines are rejected.
> There's obviously something wrong here. I've filed a separate issue:

I agree `immutable delegate ..`  should imply the context is immutable too
(i.e: no head-const ptrs).
But possibly not the other way around.
It makes sense to have a mutable delegate with an immutable context (like a
mutable ptr to immutable data).


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