Issue ID: 17566
           Summary: can use void initialization in @safe code to break out
                    of stack
           Product: D
           Version: D2
          Hardware: x86_64
                OS: Linux
            Status: NEW
          Keywords: safe
          Severity: normal
          Priority: P1
         Component: dmd

This is basically issue 17561 but without `Fiber`s. A fix for this is likely to
also fix issue 17561, so 17561 could be considered a duplicate of this. I'm
leaving it open for now, because it might be solvable by working around the
more general issue somehow.

Related links:

Memory corrupting code:

import core.sys.posix.sys.mman;
import std.conv: text;

enum pageSize = 1024 * 4; // 4 KiB
enum stackSize = 1024 * 1024 * 3; // 3 MiB

void main()
    /* Allocate memory near the stack. */
    ubyte foo;
    auto stackTop = &foo + pageSize - cast(size_t) &foo % pageSize;
    auto stackBottom = stackTop - stackSize;
    auto sz = pageSize;
    void* dst = stackBottom - sz;
    void* p = mmap(dst, sz, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE, MAP_PRIVATE | MAP_ANON,
        -1, 0);
    assert(p == dst, "failed to allocate page");

    /* Set it up with zeroes. */
    auto mem = cast(ubyte[]) p[0 .. sz];
    mem[] = 0;
    foreach (x; mem) assert(x == 0, text(x)); /* passes */

    /* Break out of the stack and wreak havoc. */

    /* Look at the mess. */
    foreach (x; mem) assert(x == 0, text(x)); /* fails; prints "13" */

void wreak_havoc() @safe
    ubyte[stackSize] x = void;
    x[0] = 13;

Like in issue 17561, the surrounding code is not @safe, but is actually safe
(as far as I can tell). It's the void initialized static array that breaks

In a 32-bit program it's also possible to get there with `malloc` instead of a
targeted `mmap`:

/* WARNING: This fails quickly for me in a 32-bit Ubuntu VM, but it can
potentially consume all memory. */

import core.stdc.stdlib: malloc;
import std.conv: text;

enum pageSize = 1024 * 4; // 4 KiB
enum stackSize = 1024 * 1024 * 3; // 3 MiB

void main()
    ubyte foo;
    auto stackTop = &foo + pageSize - cast(size_t) &foo % pageSize;
    auto stackBottom = stackTop - stackSize;
    assert(cast(size_t) stackBottom % pageSize == 0);

    while (true)
        /* Allocate memory. */
        auto sz = 1024 * 1024; // 1 MiB
        auto p = malloc(sz);
        assert(p !is null, "malloc failed");
        assert(stackBottom > p);

        /* See if it's near the stack. */
        size_t distance = stackBottom - p;
        if (distance <= sz)
            /* Set it up with zeroes. */
            auto mem = cast(ubyte[]) p[0 .. sz];
            mem[] = 0;
            foreach (x; mem) assert(x == 0, text(x)); /* passes */

            /* Break out of the stack and wreak havoc. */

            /* Look at the mess. */
            foreach (x; mem) assert(x == 0, text(x)); /* fails; prints "13" */


void wreak_havoc() @safe
    ubyte[stackSize] x = void;
    x[0] = 13;


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