On 28.02.2016 23:43, Lewis wrote:
As an aside, I noticed a quirk when viewing AAs with Mago in VS. If I
have an AA of strings to structs, I can see all the keys and struct
addresses no problem. However, I can't drill down further and inspect
the contents of an individual struct. That being said, I can create a
second watch of the form 'testAA["key"]', and now I can see the contents
of that struct.

Just curious if there is a technical or design limitation preventing
this, or if it just never got implemented. If it's the latter, may I
humbly add this as a feature request for whenever yourself or another
developer who knows Mago has time? I'm guessing I'd just add an issue on
the github page?

I think this used to work, so I'd consider this a bug. As mago is very much considered a part of Visual D, you might want to file a bug report here for component "visuald": https://issues.dlang.org/

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