This works for me with dmd 2.081 for -m64 and -m32mscoff

void foo()
        string[] x = ["1"];
        foreach(string a; x) {
                auto b = a;
        string[] y = ["2"];
        foreach(string a; y) {
                auto b = a;

Please show a full example and add some details about your environment (e.g. compiler version, VS version, target architecture).

On 15/09/2018 00:25, Josphe Brigmo wrote:
When having two loops it seems the variables are never show if the name is already used:

foreach(string a; x) { // a not shown in the locals or autos}

foreach(string a; y) { // a not shown }

renaming one of them to b, say, works as long as be wasn't used somewhere else.

  • Bug in VD Josphe Brigmo via Digitalmars-d-debugger
    • Re: Bug in VD Rainer Schuetze via Digitalmars-d-debugger

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