yidabu schrieb:
> Rake building error:
> ....dwt2>Rake base --trace
> (in .../dwt2)
> ** Invoke base (first_time)
> ** Execute base
> Building base/src
> dmd @...dwt2\rsp
> ....dwt2\base\src\java\lang\wrappers.d(15): Error: identifier 'equals_t
> ' is not defined
> ....dwt2\base\src\java\lang\wrappers.d(15): Error: equals_t is used as
> a type

> Ruby Windows 1.91, Rake 0.83
> Tango 0.99.7, Revision:4052, last changed date:2008-10-30
> DMD 1.037

for dwt2 i use the tango 0.99.8 ( see svn tags/releases/0.99.8), there
the type equals_t is defined in object.di. For dmd i use 1.041.

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