On 2017-02-07 22:48, JamesD wrote:
I'm a programming hobbyist and I'm new to the D language.  I've recently
struggled to get a GUI working on Windows. I finally made some progress,
and have created a few docs that I hope will help others.  Constructive
feedback is welcome.

The following are on https://github.com/jasc2v8/dwt-support under \doc:

1. Why use the DWT GUI for the D Language
2. Config DWT GUI for Eclipse DDT on Windows
3. Build DWT 64 bit on Windows

That's great. A few comments:

* Since DMD 2.073.0 (I believe) Dub is included

* I don't know how the dub.json file that DDT creates looks like. But usually with Dub you build a release build with the following command: "dub build -b release". See "dub build -h" for more information, there are some other build types available as well

* About the disadvantages, in my opinion, native widgets is an advantage. I guess there are two kinds of people, those that like native widgets and those who don't

/Jacob Carlborg

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