"Ary Borenszweig" wrote
> Christopher Wright escribió:
>> Steven Schveighoffer wrote:
>>> "Christopher Wright" wrote
>>>> Steven Schveighoffer wrote:
>>>>> Not exactly ;)  The wrapped type is not equivalent to inheritance.
>>>> No, exactly:
>>>> class Wrapper(T) : T
>>>> {
>>>> T opDot() {}
>>>> }
>>> class Wrapper(T) : T
>>> {
>>> }
>>> works just as good ;)
>>> -Steve
>> True, but with opDot, you can swap out the real value. I can think of 
>> cases in which this would be useful -- a sort of "I'll fill in this value 
>> later" thing.
> I'm not sure that's the decorator pattern any more. In that pattern you 
> implement or extend a class, and receive an instance of one in the 
> constructor and forward all calls to that instance. If you do:
> class Wrapper(T) : T {
>   private wrapped;
>   this(T wrapped) {
>     this.wrapped = wrapped;
>   }
>   T opDot() { return wrapped; }
> }
> that won't work because whenever you call a method of T on Wrapper(T), 
> that will call Wrapper's method, since it has it, because it 
> extends/implements T (opDot won't be triggered). If you remove 
> inheritance, that will probably work, but you won't be able to make a 
> Wrapper(T) behave like a T for the type system.

Exactly what I was going to say ;)  If you inherit from a T, then return T 
in an opDot, opDot will never be called unless you call opDot directly.


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