Simen Kjaeraas пишет:
> On Fri, 26 Dec 2008 20:15:30 +0100, Weed <> wrote:
>> Can I at compile time check whether there is a facility method
>> (toString(), for example)?
>> Today I wrote:
>>                 static if ( __traits(isArithmetic, Element) ) {
>>                     ret ~= toString(this[i,j]) ~ "\t";
>>                 } else {
>>                     ret ~= this[i,j].toString ~ "\t";
>>                 }
>> It works but it is wrong
> I believe this works:
> static if (is(typeof(this[i,j].toString))) {
>     ret ~= this[i,j].toString;
> } else {
>     ret ~= toString(this[i,j]);
> }

No, this cause error:

toString () does not match parameter types (float)

( condition is always resolved to else {...} )

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