Hello Daniel,


B inherits all the functions from A implicitly. You stil may
override any of the I interface functions if need be:

class B : A, I
override void foo() { ... }
// int bar() is inherited from A
Having B explicitly override all the base class virtual functions
and forward them to A implementation just to make compiler happy
is unintuitive and plain dumb to me.

C# allows that and I see absolutely no reason why D doesn't.

I think you are missing somethinghere. Change the B definition

class B : A, I

to just:

class B : A

then interfaces become impicit.

No, I don't:

class B : private A, public I
Other example:

interface IOStream : InputStream, OutputStream
class A : InputStream
// implement InputStream
class B : A, IOStream
// implement OutputStream interface *only*
You can't define B like this: class B : A, OutputStream { ... }
because this way it won't be castable to IOStream.

I believe the rationale behind this is so that you can't implement an
interface "by accident."  For example, you might be implementing an
interface, miss one method, and not know because the base class
implements it.

Alternately, you might be relying on such inheritance.  Then, the base
class changes, and you're left with compile errors and wondering why
it doesn't work.

Forcing you to specify each method removes this ambiguity from the

That said, I could have SWORN that aliasing a method from the
superclass worked.  If this isn't a bug, it should be.

Personally, yes it is a bit tedious, but this is why we have templates
and mixins...

-- Daniel

Yes, that seems to be the reason. I actually want it to work the way it does, other than that I can't figure out why the aliasing doesn't work. The way it works now, I'm not forced to implement A's Interface if I only inherit from A. Explicit extension of a class with the same interface is necessary, and I /think/ this is the way it should be... but I'll lay claim to the "I'm not an expert" clause. :)


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