bob wrote:
> do IN become in maybe?
> BLS Wrote:
>> BCS wrote:
>>> Reply to bob,
>>>> sorry i copy wrong line. how do i do this line:
>>>> int PASCAL FAR mycnt ( IN SOCKET s, IN const struct sockaddr FAR *name, 
>>> IN int namelen );
>>>> bob Wrote:
>>> step 1 would be get the output from the preprocessor and take a look at 
>>> it. I'm guessing that PASCAL, FAR and IN are macros
>>> step 0 is try htod:
>> I think
>> int PASCAL FAR mycnt()
>> becomes :
>> extern (Pascal) int mycnt()
>> The FAR* thingy seems to be a 16 bit relict...
>> Guess the IN is not nessesary in D..., not sure though
>> Bjoern

"in" means "pass argument by value," and is the default for arguments.

Also, I believe that PASCAL is the same as the Windows cc, so my guess
at the conversion would be:

For D 1.x:

extern(Windows) int mycnt ( SOCKET s, sockaddr* name, int namelen );

For D 2.x:

extern(Windows) int mycnt ( SOCKET s, const sockaddr* name, int namelen );

Note that you'd have to supply definitions of SOCKET and sockaddr.

  -- Daniel

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