bearophile пишет:
> Weed, some built-ins and significant part of the standard lib (and other libs 
> you can find around) assume the presence of a GC.

Right. For example, return from function of a dynamic array will not
work correctly without GC - there will be a memory leak.

> So you can disable (or often just not use it. If you don't allocate/free 
> GC-managed memory then the GC sleeps) in some critical spots of your code as 
> I do (and you can also just use memory from the C heap), but if you really 
> want to remove it, you may want to consider using C++ instead.
> I'd like too to have something like a -nogc compiler flag to not include the 
> GC at all in small programs that don't use the GC (or use it only to allocate 
> memory and not to free it).

My wishlist also contains -nogc (or may be -gc?) too. But it seems to me
it will not occur - too many parts of language mean presence GC.

I just would like that D could substitute C++ completely in all

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