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  const and invariant



Jarrett Billingsley Wrote:

> On Wed, Feb 11, 2009 at 4:09 PM, Mike L. <> wrote:
> > Could someone lay out for me the different ways of doing constants in D 
> > (d1, particularly)? I've heard things about const, final, invariant, and 
> > "anonymous enums"?
> >
> OK, D1 doesn't have constness in the way that C/C++ and D2 do.  D1
> only has constants and enums.
> A constant is created with 'const':
> const int x = 5;
> const message = "hello"; // uses type inference to infer char[5]
> 'const' actually has different behavior depending on where it's used.
> It's always used to declare variables (you can't put it on params, for
> instance), but if you use 'const' as a class member:
> class A
> {
>     const int x;
>     this(int x)
>     {
>         this.x = x; // OK
>         // this.x++; // NOT ok
>     }
> }
> it works like the Java "final", in which case there is a copy of it in
> each instance of A, but it can only be assigned once and it must be
> assigned in the constructor.
> If you want to dynamically initialize a module-level const, you can do
> so in a static this():
> const int x;
> static this()
> {
>     x = something();
> }
> Again, x can only be assigned to once, and it must be assigned in the
> static this().
> 'final' does not work the way it does in Java.  'final' was used to
> mean more or less the same thing as in Java when D2 was new, but that
> usage has been dropped.
> 'const' (and the other qualifier 'invariant') mean different things in
> D2; I won't get into that here unless you really want to know.
> The other kind of constant that D1 has is enumerations.  Enumerations
> can be named:
> enum Foo { Bar = 3 }
> So Foo.Bar is a constant with the value 3.  Or they can be anonymous:
> enum { Baz = 5 }
> Baz is a constant with the value 5.
> Enumerations differ from consts in that they do not consume any space
> in the final outputted object/library/executable, whereas consts do.
> This has actually been significant in some cases: the Windows header
> ports, for instance, used the "const int Blah = ..." form for many
> many constants, bloating the outputted object files by several dozens
> of kilobytes.  The "enum: int { Blah = ... }" form consumes no extra
> space in the executable.
> Also: in D2, "enum" can be used as a storage class, like "const" or
> "invariant", in which case the idea of "not taking any space in the
> output" is preserved:
> invariant int x = 5; // constant, but in the object files
> enum int y = 5; // not in the object files

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