Is there a verbose mode for DSSS to see which commands it actually executes?

The dsss.conf is simply

I'm getting some linker errors that don't come up when compiling manually with dmd (using the lyla lib created by dsss, just passing it to dmd along with test.d).

OPTLINK (R) for Win32  Release 8.00.1
Copyright (C) Digital Mars 1989-2004  All rights reserved.
D:\dmd\windows\bin\..\lib\phobos.lib(gc)  Offset 3A7F2H Record Type 0091
 Error 1: Previous Definition Different : _D3std2gc12__ModuleInfoZ
D:\dmd\windows\bin\..\lib\SNN.lib(fputwc)  Offset 09794H Record Type 00C3
 Error 1: Previous Definition Different : _putwc
D:\dmd\windows\bin\..\lib\SNN.lib(fgetwc)  Offset 09043H Record Type 00C3
 Error 1: Previous Definition Different : _getwc

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