Well, checking for internet connectivity is a tricky and operating-specific thing.

Would you rather check for connectivity with a specific host? I gather that would be more than appropriate for what you're wanting.

Are you wanting to download over HTTP, or a different protocol? If over HTTP, there are a ton of libraries that may be useful to you, and there's also building your own HTTP request (which is actually pretty trivial.)

If you're using Tango, it has classes in it for these things.


Tyro[a.c.edwards] wrote:
I've used Burton Radons' "urllib" in the past to get download files from the 
internet, however the library has atrophied and can no longer be used with DMD v2.029 
(not how long it's been this way because I haven't tried to compile it since 2006).

I'm wondering if someone could point me to an example of how to check for 
internet connectivity and if available download the latest version of a given 

Thanks in advance.

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