Saaa wrote:
Steven Schveighoffer wrote:
i.e. I want thread 1 to initialize elements 0, 1, and 2, and thread 2 to initialize elements 3, 4, and 5:

thread1 = new ProcessingThread(arrayToInit[0..3]);
thread2 = new ProcessingThread(arrayToInit[3..6]);

Should be completely thread safe.

Could become more difficult if the distinction would be odd/even elements :P

Why??? If your threads have no bugs (i.e. the "odd" thread doesn't read or write the "even" elements, and vice versa), then this should be easy!

Or creatures on a grid who can only see the cell they stand on :D

Then the only thing that has to be thread safe is the code that moves a creature from cell to cell. And, of course, it has to guarantee that no two creatures end up in the same cell.

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