Hello Bill,

On Fri, May 22, 2009 at 1:36 PM, hasen <hasan.alj...@gmail.com> wrote:

If I have some questions about D, should I ask on stackoverflow
instead of here? Are there enough D'ers there?

I personally think that asking there would bring more public
attention to D, but it all depends on whether there are enough people
there who know about D.

For instance, I might have a couple of question about gtkD, as I'm
trying to play with it right now.

So, do you regularly visit http://stackoverflow.com/ or no?

More D visibility on stackoverflow would be nice.

Post it there then link to it here so people will find it. I only
visit stackoverflow when googling takes me there.


someone should write a bot to do that automatically. Kinda like for the 

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