Templated !!
This is the first time I use templates.
please comment

module ddata.ddata;

import std.stdarg;
import std.stdio;
import std.regexp;
import std2.string;
import std2.traits;
import std2.conv;

private char[][] _file;
private char[] _identifier;
private TypeInfo _type;
private int _row;
private char[] _token;
private int _tokenLen;

public bool Get(T)(in char[][] file, in char[] identifier, ref T var)

 if (file.length == 0 || file.length > int.max)
  return false;

 if (identifier.length == 0 || identifier.length > ubyte.max)
  return false;

    RegExp myRegExp = new RegExp("_A-Za-z[_A-Za-z0-9]*");
    if ( cast(bool) myRegExp.test(identifier) )
     return false;

 _file = file;
 _identifier = identifier;
 _type = typeid(T);
 _row = getRow();

 if (_row < 0 || _row >= _file.length)
  return false;
  throw new Exception("Identifier not found");

  static if( std2.traits.isNumeric!(T))
   return true;
  static if( typeid(T) is typeid(bool) )
   return true;
  static if( std2.traits.isDynamicArray!(T) )
   return true;

  return false;
  return false;

 return true;

private int getRow()
 _token = _type.toString() ~ ' ' ~ _identifier;
 writefln(`Search token =`,_token);
 _tokenLen = _token.length;
 foreach(int row, char[] line; _file)
  if(line.length > _token.length)
   if(line[0.._tokenLen] ==  _token) return row;
 return -1;

private void Parse(T)(ref T parsed)
 uint begin = qcFind( _tokenLen, '=') + 1;
 if( begin == -1) throw new Exception(` = not found`);
 uint end = qcFind( begin, ';');
 if( end == -1) throw new Exception(` ; not found`);

 parsed = to!(T)( strip( _file[_row][begin..end]) );

private void parse_bool(ref bool parsed)
 uint begin = qcFind( _tokenLen, '=') + 1;
 if( begin == -1) throw new Exception(` = not found`);
 uint end = qcFind( begin, ';');
 if( end == -1) throw new Exception(` ; not found`);

 parsed = (strip( _file[_row][begin..end]) == `true`);

private void Parse_array(T:U[],U)(ref T parsed)
 uint begin = qcFind( _tokenLen, '[') + 1;
 if( begin == -1) throw new Exception(` [ not found`);
 uint end = qcFind( begin, ']');
 if( end == -1) throw new Exception(`] not found`);

 auto stringArray = std.string.split(_file[_row][begin..end], `,`);
 T array;
 array.length = stringArray.length;
 foreach(int i, char[] string;  stringArray)
  array[i] = to!(U)(strip(string));
 parsed = array;

private int qcFind(in int start,in char c)
 int location = std.string.find( _file[_row][start..$], c) + start;
 if( location <= start || location >= _file[_row].length )
  return -1;
 return location;

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