Hello Derek,

On Tue, 9 Jun 2009 16:28:58 +0000 (UTC), BCS wrote:

I'm sorry, you don't have my sympathy on this one. There are to many
place I've used fall throught to chuck it out.

However, additionally in the default format you can use
'fallthru' to let flow drop to the next case....

switch EXPR do
case VAL1 then
case VAL2 then
fallthru  -->>> This makes flow fall through.
case VAL3 then
end switch
So, if one considers improving D's switch, it is possible to have both
models if one is not frightened of new keywords.

For example ...

select (EXPR) {
case VAL1:
case VAL2:
case VAL3:
would only execute ONE of the selected cases.

C# sort of takes this approach (by using goto case EXP;) but doesn't have any generic "goto next" ability and I would find that very painful in some template code.

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